Monday, October 6, 2014

Reflection on journal

During this lapse of time in our Journey in Literature class our professor, Cynthia Pittmann, gave the students an opportunity to make our own journal in style of diary. Every day during 10 minutes every student wrote the first thoughts that came through mind and wrote them down the same way that in a diary. This exercise was accompanied with an exercise called “Life Compass”. In this life compass students had the opportunity to express each feeling through day. This included spiritual, emotional, mental and physical mood. Both of this exercises helped the student to develop an internal journey through its mind. One of the rule to this exercise was to not stop moving your hand, which isn’t easy after you have been writing through a couple of minutes. This helped to develop strategies of fast and concise writing, which it really helps in this phase of every student college life.  


Working with this project helped me as an individual to discover words and thoughts I didn’t knew that they existed. It also helped me to develop a more fluent use of the English while writing. You only had 10 minutes to write whatever thought entered your mind so, through this time my mind started an outburst of thoughts and feelings that you can’t even control. The hand writing through this exercise wasn’t so good at all, but the way our mind started running was pretty special enough to forget about hand writing or orthographic errors. This project also helped me as a way to canalize my energy through writing and to vent through days. This is a great exercise to keep on doing even when the project is over, because you never know what your mind is capable of.